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No recipe for disaster there. You take my friendly adherent to the yang of fast food. The man lives like a chinese wood cutter taking earnings from the mansions he and i plaster and paint and does winters by hot springs owned by tiny municipalities out west. He gave me the same news the New Age does that we owe to our fear levels to notice what goes in on the so called yards nearby. They call it by name " i am listening!" And this chum /mine hears murder vocably i donot know where except in big bass playing cars his experience is heard and not seen by me. And hears murder very outloud in the christian non logic about always persisting in your error. Minus Blakes access to excess.

It is fascination street that Nietzche said 'caricature street ' so did Kierkegaard , said he would quieten to a drooling nitwit if god he said took from him his power he said for comic characterization. It could have gone better for N . He was frightened no doubt about what dreams might come.

I ride the turded streets by bike like the most skilled of rats. My task today was to be less frightened than those invisible pets of the cityescapement. To look into the eyes of SJW's who randomly accuse me of hiding a dog dick at tge ready to skewer them. I have to be able to take it. Strew enough , wear my miniature success like coinage but these kids read money in my dirty coins. "As if' a neuro scientist says (title of the book Descartes Error) a entire module of thinking in the brain. To be expected then in small tiwn of 250 thou that you have some sideways love affairs you might become as if a house on fire. Sure. I will expect it.

If only. Asif if only mightaswell be an author. If only i could write simply like pimply Chris Hedges. But here is how dear man. In order to read Spinoza for example, you read just tge propositions without the body of tge syllogisms. And beyond that, the idea here is to agree for the jungle rain attatime for the world to come to you in pieces. Insults, tales out of school by lovers i layed when they were bad talking sodden ropes of booze. One time! But they are only more pieces of me. The eden trailer is off its wheels and the neighbors are chewing on the fingers of the depressed. They only want a leetle taste! I shoukd give them a taste. It is the physical world as we newtonianly experience it. Cars are dangerous and people experience themselves as 5 year olds doing Exploring. I have 10 minutes to give them and cannot nearly keep my mouth closed yet for that lo g.

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